Did you know that there is now a legal requirement that the ADOPTED CHILD must meet his father before the end of his 15th year of life?
It's a legal precedent.. and my son still thinks his sister is from the same father.
That's annoying, and it hurts a lot. Did you know that I do not trust you, Kat?

- On: May 13, 2024 at 15:43H
- To: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier
- From: Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco
- Re: Re: Attn: Cardinal Collins re Annulment of Isaac Bon Hilli...
I did not file false charges on you. So you acted violently towards me and you still don't know what you did. Don't write to me anymore you liar. You know that you didn't let me leave my own apartment. You know that you struggled with me and hurt my wrist, arms and threatened with rape You said something like:" since I like it that way." You don't love me and I don't want to talk to you anymore.
This past week you hurt my ring finger, Right hand the bone is hurting and bruised, you hurt my shins and right upper arm.
When you get angry you act out and then you forget what happens and what actions you take. So there is no apology for your yelling at me and for your hatred towards me that day, and you keep spreading your version of what happened to me to one of you exes and of most of all to a man of the cloth.
You have no respect for me. Don't gossip about me, stop your lying shit stories about me at least have some decency. do it for our marriage.
I told you to stop writing to my brother about your problems with me. He is not taking care of me or protecting me, i am not in contact with him. Get the hell away from me for you are a liar and a cheat. What you did to me with Kelly Anne Farkas was despicable? You still have something for your ex lover Kathleen Anne Williams so stay away from me. I don't want you spreading falsehoods. If you start this I will report you to the police with harassment and bullying and intimidation.
I don't want to talk to you so don't talk to me. You have proven to be a liar, a cheat and a false illusion and not a gentleman but a barbaric wildman. Stop writing about me and writing my full name. Stop. For your information Cardinal Collins is no longer the present Cardinal. I am done talking to you.